Formed back when neon ski outfits first became populsr, the Risky Skiers are a band of who make an annual (except when they don't) trip to Reno, Nevada to ski and occasionally visit the Casinos. As few as 6 and as many as 42 young-at-heart folks have endured the indignities of TSA security, the lavish comfort of a recycled school bus to ride to the mountain, both Rain and Shine, and too much Ibuprophine to talk about to visit the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Iconic names like Heavenly Valley, Squaw Valley of Olympic fame, Alpine Meadows, Incline Village and even the lesser known Mt. Rose have all been destinations. Names that conjur up ski greats like Tamara McKinney, Scot Schmidt and even the iconic John "Snow-Shoe" Thompson (AKA the Father of California Skiing!)were all alumni of these great slopes.
What makes them endure the arduous journey for so many years? The comarderie, the sunshine (usually) and of course the cuisine of the Mia Casa II keeps them coming back!